YES. If you can't afford the entire amount up-front you can make monthly payments for your residency fee.
If you live in the USA or Canada you can make monthly payments for up to 12 months with no interest and no late fees.
If you live outside of the USA or Canada you can make monthly payments for up to 4 months with NO interest and NO late fees.
We are the only company on the entire internet who offers a monthly payment plan for legal residencies in other countries.
Click the button or link below to get the details.
1. You sign up for Signature if you want to go Mexico any time you want by yourself, or sign up for Platinum to go down and meet up with us and the entire group on a particular date (see dates above).
2. You will need to show that you make around $3K/month or more or have at least $50K in savings. You will provide six months (or more) of checking account statements showing this (we will help you with the particulars).
3. You visit a Mexican embassy or consulate near where you live at least once, perhaps twice.
4. Lastly, you will go to Cancun, visit the immigration office once or twice (we handle all the details for you), and leave with your Mexican legal residency ID card!
Or if you just want to get started right now click here to email us and we'll send you a payment link. (Crypto payment options are in the FAQ at the bottom of this page.)